たねさやの博物館 / museum of seeds

tag : exterior / renovation / temporary
date : April. 5 2014 – June. 15 2014
event : 「浜名湖花博2014」出展作品 / artwork for “flower exposition in Lake Hamana”
site : Hamamatsu Shizuoka Japan
size : 16㎡


This project was for the Lake Hamana Flower Exposition 2014 in Hamamatsu, Japan. The exposition was held in a public park, and the theme of our area was “accumulation of time and knowledge”. We paid attention to the seed and the sheath from the theme, and did the exhibition to show them. Most of them were collected in this park. They have unique shapes of evolution for survival and sustainability.
This project was done by repairing an existing rest hut, and making new walls of the connection of acrylic pipes. This wall is not only for plants cases but also to cut out scenery like a frame. The acrylic fiber has high transparency so it can be suitable for showing the shape and merge into the surrounding naturally. This exhibition has been moved to another facility after the end of the exhibition